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You must be a member of the Royal Aero Club Records, Racing and Rally Association to race in the British Air Racing Championship. Membership fees are subject to change annually and there are different categories of membership available.


The entry fee for a race currently stands at £190/weekend.


​Discounts are available to members signing up before the 28th February each year and rates are pro-rata for new members joining part way through the year.


​All new membership applications must be approved by the committee.


Family Membership

Includes full annual membership for one pilot (including FAI licence), their spouse and their children.


Adults within this category will have voting rights. Children may be junior navigators subject to committee approval but may not vote.


New family members will be charged on a pro-rata basis for the first year and the entry fee for their first race will be waived.


Race Pilot

Includes full annual membership for one race pilot including FAI licence and voting rights.

New members will be charged on a pro-rata basis for the first year if they join after the start of the season and the entry fee for their first race will be waived in any case.


Full member

This category is for any person participating in racing as a navigator, any non-flying committee member or race official and includes voting rights.


Social Member

Any person wishing to participate in club organised dinners or non-flying events or make use of club provided transport.

Cannot participate in racing or airside duties and cannot be a member of the committee or a race official.

No voting rights.


Voluntary Assistant

Any person assisting with ground activities but not acting as a race official.


This category does not include the benefits of social membership and has no voting rights.


Honorary Member

Honorary lifetime members are appointed at the discretion of the committee in special circumstances. They have full voting rights and freedom to participate in all club activities, providing they register each year as an honorary member.

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35 Rodney Road


GL50 1HX


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Website design by Jelly Springs


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© 2024 Royal Aero Club Records, Racing and Rally Association Ltd. â€‹The Royal Aero Club Records, Racing and Rally Association is a corporate member of the Royal Aero Club empowered by the Royal Aero Club and the FAI to govern records, racing and organised rallies in the UK. â€‹British Air Racing is a trading name of the Royal Aero Club Records, Racing and Rally Association Ltd,

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