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British Air Racing Champions

The British Air Racing Championship was developed in the early 1980s with the reformation of the former Royal Aero Club Competition Committee into the Royal Aero Club Records Racing and Rally Association (3Rs). 


As with motor racing, points are awarded according to each aircraft’s finishing position. Points are accumulated throughout a racing season to determine the Champion. A typical handicapped air racing season comprises 6 venues and 12 races. The maximum points available for a win in each race is 25, awarded on a sliding scale.

2024 - Martin Gosling

2023 - Dave Moorman

2022 - Jonathan Willis

2021 - Jonathan Willis

2020 - None

2019 - Jonathan Willis

2018 - Simon Tilling

2017 - Dominic Crossan

2016 - Mark Turner

2015 - Bob Ellis

2014 - Martin Gosling

2013 - Martin Gosling

2012 - Gordon Bellerby

2011 - Geoffrey Boot

2010 - Neil Cooper

2009 - Craig Beevers

2008 - Alistair Allan

2007 - Robert Callaway-Lewis

2006 - Anthony Beynon

2005 - Craig Beevers

2004 - John Kelsall

2003 - Robert Miller

2002 - P Wadsworth

2001 - Ivan Seach-Allen


2000 - Robert Miller

1999 - Graham Banfield

1998 - Bert Miles

1997 - Paul Moorhead

1996 - Sqn Ldr Austin

1995 - Bob Willies

1994 - Bruce Hook

1993 - Sqn Ldr Baker

1992 - Bruce Hook

1991 - Derek Simpson

1990 - Spencer Flack

1989 - Andrew Brinkley

1988 - K Wilson

1987 - P Crispe

1986 - F Miles

1985 - G Hanks

1984 - I Dalziel

1983 - Flt Lt Turner

1982 - J Stewart-Wood

1981 - Gordon Franks

1974-1980 - None

1973 - Paul Bannister

1972 - Frederick Marsh

1971 - Michael Jones​

1970 - None

1969 - C Masefield

1968 - R Ranscombe

1967 - J Stewart-Wood

1966 - J Miles

1965 - P Blamire

1964 - D McD Hartas

1963 - P Bannister

1962 - D McD Hartas

1961 - None

1960 - Sqn Ldr Severne

1959 - Capt Baldwick

1958 - H Smith

1957 - Flt Lt K Iles

1956 - Flt Lt K Iles

1955 - J Somers

1954 - Freydis Leaf

1953 - Sqn Ldr Rush

1952 - W Fillingham


British Air Racing Navigator Champions

2024 - Sophie Polwin

2023 - Ian Scarborough

2022 -

2021 - Dave Lee

2020 - None

2019 - Gurchuran Bhoday

2018 - Emma Taylor

2017 - None

2016 - Joanne Turner

2015 - Suzie Boot

2014 - Ian Scarbrough

2013 - David Pangbourne

2012 - Suzie Boot

2011 - David Pangbourne

2010 - Suzie Boot

2009 - Suzie Boot

2008 - Craig Beevers

King's Cup Winners

The King's Cup Race is an annual British handicapped cross-country air race, is run by the 3Rs and was first contested on 8 September 1922. The event was established by King George V as an incentive to the development of light aircraft and engine design.

2024 -Martin Gosling

2023 - Jonathon Willis

2022 - Matthew Summers

2021 - None

2020 - None

2019 - David Moorman

2018 - None

2017 - Dominic Crossan
2016 - Dominic Crossan
2015 - Dr Roger-James Scholes
2014 - Michael Wingenroth
2013 - Geoffrey Boot
2012 - Gordon Bellerby
2011 - Malcolm Montgomerie
2010 - Roderick Morton
2009 - Richard Marsden
2008 - Nigel Reddish
2007 -Neil Cooper
2006 - Nigel Reddish
2005 - Roger Hayes
2004 - Phil Wadsworth
2003 - Geoffrey Boot
2002 - S Ollier
2001 - J Spooner
2000 - Milan Konstantinovic
1999 - Roger Hayes

1998 - None
1997 - Melanie Willes
1996 - E Coventry
1995 - D Soul
1994 - Geoffrey Boot
1993 - Roger Hayes
1992 - Peter Crispe

1991 - S Jones

1990 - A Hawley

1989 - R.A. Nesbitt-Dufort and R.G. Hayes
1988 - S/Ldr M Baker

1987 - None
1986 - S/Ldr C Hilliker
1985 - G Franks
1984 - K Fehrenback
1983 - Don Sainsbury
1982 - Geoffrey Richardson
1981 - Josephine O'Donnell
1980 - A.J. Spiller
1979 - Ian Dalziel
1978 - John Stewart-Wood
1977 - Andrew Chadwick
1976 - A.J. Spiller
1975 - John Cull
1974 - Jan Behrman
1973 - H.W. Bonner
1972 - Stan Warwick
1971 - J. Bradshaw
1970 - Mike Pruden
1969 - Robin D'Erlanger
1968 - F.R.E. Hayter
1967 - Charles B.G. Masefield
1966 - John A.C. Miles
1965 - John Stewart-Wood
1964 - Dennis M. Hartas
1963 - Paul G. Bannister
1962 - Peter S. Clifford
1961 - H. Brian Iles

1960 - John de M. Severne

1959 - A. J. Spiller​

1958 - James H. Denyer

1957 - Fred Dunkerley

1956 - James H. Denyer
1955 - Peter S. Clifford
1954 - Harold Wood
1953 - Pat Fillingham
1952 - C. Gregory

1951 - None
1950 - Edward Day
1949 - J. Nat Somers AFC

1939-1948 - None
1938 - Alex Henshaw
1937 - Charles E. Gardner
1936 - Charles E. Gardner
1935 - Tommy Rose
1934 - Harry M. Schofield
1933 - Geoffrey de Havilland
1932 - W. L. Hope
1931 - E. C. T. Edwards
1930 - Miss Winifred Brown
1929 - R. L. R. Atcherley
1928 - W. L. Hope
1927 - W. L. Hope
1926 - Hubert S. Broad
1925 - Frank L. Barnard
1924 - Alan J. Cobham
1923 - Frank T. Courtney
1922 - Frank L. Barnard

Schneider Trophy Winners

The Coupe d'Aviation Maritime Jacques Schneider (commonly called the Schneider Trophy, Schneider Prize or Schneider Cup) was awarded annually to the winner of a race for seaplanes. The Trophy is now held at RAF College Cranwell. Announced by Jacques Schneider, a financier, balloonist and aircraft enthusiast, in 1911, the competition offered a prize of approximately £1,000. The race was held eleven times between 1913 and 1931. It was intended to encourage technical advances in civil aviation but became a contest for pure speed with laps over a triangular course (initially 280 km, later 350 km). The races were very popular and some attracted crowds of over 200,000 spectators. Since 1977 the trophy has been on display at the Science Museum in London.

2024 - Ben Polwin

2023 - Robert Johnson

2022 - Jonathan Willis

2021 - No contest

2020 - No contest

2019 - Ian Harding

2018 - None

2017 - None
2016 - Roderick Morton
2015 - Jonathan Willis
2014 - John Kelsall

2013 - None
2012 - David Moorman

2010-2011 - None
2009 - Neil Cooper

2008 - None
2007 - Daniel Pangbourne
2006 - Martin Kellett
2005 - John Village
2004 - John Kelsall
2003 - John Spooner
2002 - Phil Wadsworth

2001 - Ivan Seach-Allen

2000 - Dudley Pattison

1999 - Bruce Hook
1998 - Milan Konstantinovic

1997 - None

1996 - Alan Austin
1995 - John Kelman
1994 - Ian Finbow
1993 - Sq Ldr Mike Baker
1992 - Andrew Watson
1991 - Brian Manning
1990 - Spencer Flack
1989 - Safaya Hemming
1988 - Peter Crispe
1987 - Andrew Brinkley
1986 - Ron Mitcham
1985 - Nick Snook
1984 - Paul Moorhead

1982-1983 - None
1981 - Jeremy Smith

1932-1980 - None

1931 - John Boothman

1930 - None

1929 - Richard Waghorn

1928 - None
1927 - Sidney Webster
1926 - Mario de Bernardi
1925 - James Doolittle

1924 - None
1923 - David Rittenhouse
1922 - Henry Biard
1921 - Giovanni de Briganti
1920 - Luigi Bologna

1915-1919 - None
1914 - Howard Pixton
1913 - Maurice Prévost

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The Bob Ellis Excess Distance Trophy 

2024 -

2023 - Martin Gosling

2022 -

2021 - Jonathan Willis

2020 - No contest

2019 - Matthew Summers

The Mossey Preston Trophy

The Mossey Preston Trophy will comprise all races and will be awarded to the pilot of an aircraft that has the highest aggregate points based on the British Air Racing Championship points system of all races.

2024 - Martin Gosling

2023 - David Moorman

The Sonic Challenge

The Sonic Trophy will comprise all Saturday races excluding the Steward’s Cup.

2024 - Martin Gosling

2023 - David Moorman

The Mitel Sword

Awarded to current or former members of the armed services.

2024 - Ben Polwin

2023 - Robert Johnson

The Outram Trophy

Awarded to the highest scoring new racer of the season.

2024 - Ben Polwin

2023 - Richard Parris

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35 Rodney Road


GL50 1HX


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© 2024 Royal Aero Club Records, Racing and Rally Association Ltd. â€‹The Royal Aero Club Records, Racing and Rally Association is a corporate member of the Royal Aero Club empowered by the Royal Aero Club and the FAI to govern records, racing and organised rallies in the UK. â€‹British Air Racing is a trading name of the Royal Aero Club Records, Racing and Rally Association Ltd,

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